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вторник 06 ноябряadmin

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OK, audiophiles: real talk. Earphone makers seem to be either too polite or scared to say anything. And the people in the industry who should know better are only actively encouraging a ritual. So let me say it for them: Earphone burn-in is a bunch of hokum. For those of you unfamiliar with the practice, it basically amounts to pumping different kinds of sound into a new pair of headphones or earphones for a given period of time. This is to be done before any critical listening happens.

Think of it as the sonic equivalent of breaking in a new pair of shoes — the idea being that the true character of your earphones will only surface after some robust exercise. The only problem? There's zero evidence this does anything but defer your enjoyment of music and add more confusion to an already complex topic.

Audiophiles will often apply their own burn-in technique to any number of music-listening devices: earphones, headphones, amps, speakers, even cables. With larger headphones, mechanical burn-in is supposed to describe the gradual settling in of the design parameters of the cone diaphragms (the things that vibrate back and forth to create the air pressure changes that we interpret as sound in our ears) into their intended or optimal state. After this period, proponents claim they are able to vibrate more freely, thus allowing for better sound.

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But wait, there's more. Optimal burn-in times range from 40 to 400 hours, and the process itself can also take myriad forms. Manufacturers like Ultrasone offer specific burn-in times for their cans, but others are happy to leave the details to the true believers. Some of the latter will simply play music through their phones continuously for a day or two. Others go with a more comprehensive approach, making elaborate burn-in mixes and sharing them with others.

These can include loops of pure tones,, sine wave sweeps, and even. A cult burn-in favorite includes using Lou Reed's, an album that's been described as 'the tubular groaning of a galactic refrigerator.' Others simply prefer the soothing sound of rain sticks. As with many of the numinous subjects in the audiophile realm, this odd little custom sits squarely at the intersection of psychology, science, marketing, and that eternally subjective thing known as 'sound quality.' And that makes it particularly troublesome.

Matt Engstrom, director of monitoring products at Shure, admits there is evidence that suggests transducers in larger headphones can experience burn-in, and that this could, in theory, produce different sound over time. Again, no one has shown this conclusively, largely because a) companies aren't rushing to tell audiophiles they've been wrong all these years and b) there's no single industry standard for testing headphones. This much is known: When it comes to the tiny balanced armatures used in many earphones, there's just not the same potential for mechanical deviation. We're talking about things the size of a baby's tooth. And unlike the large drivers in over-the-ear headphones, there's just not that much room for things to change.

Shure has tested some thoroughly used pairs of its E1 earphones, which first launched in 1997. And guess what? They measure the same now as when they came off the line.

In fact, during the 15 years Shure has been actively selling earphones, its engineers have reached the same conclusion again and again: The sound produced by these tiny transducers during final testing is the same sound you'll get in a day, in a year, and in five years. Unless something goes wrong. The company has an even longer history making microphones, which use the same technology as headphone transducers. 'We've got a lot of data on those over the years, and we're not convinced on mic burn in either,' Engstrom says. 'If you think about it, regardless of whether a mic is plugged in, it's always hearing, it's always on. So, in theory, wouldn't those drivers always be burning in, and therefore wouldn't the curve be very very different over the course of its life?' Indeed, what keeps this debate going is really the lack of quantifiable evidence debunking the advantages of burn-in.