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MATERIBAHASAINGGRISKELAS X SEMESTER 2 CHAPTER 6 A. Thanking You thank others for what they give to you and you may also have to respond when someone thanks you. Do you know how to do them very well? Here are the expressions and the functions in table: Expressions Function • Thank you very much for your kindness. • That was really nice of you. • Thanks a million for. Installation routeur olitec rw400g. • I’m very grateful to you.

• I’m much obliged. Responding to thank Below are other expressions: Expressions Function • It was the least I could do. Responding to thanks • Don’t mention it.

• You’re welcome • It’s no trouble at all. • Delighted I was able to help. Example for Thanking and Responding to Thanks: 1. Thanking for directions Sample phrases (from formal to informal) A: Thank you so much for your directions. You’ve been a tremendous help. B: It was my pleasure.

A: Thank you for taking the time to explain it to me. I hope it wasn’t too much of a bother. B: Not at all. It was the least I could do. A: Thanks for all your help.

I really appreciate it. B: You’re welcome. A: Thanks a million! B: Forget it/Don’t worry about it. Thanking for invitations Sample phrases A: Thank you for inviting me.

Of course I’ll come. We’re sure to have a lot of fun.

A: Thanks for your invitation, but I’m afraid I won’t be able to come. I’ve got an appointment. B: I’m sorry to hear that. We’ll certainly miss you. Thanking for gifts Sample phrases A: Thank you very much for the flowers. They look so beautiful. Are they from your garden?

I’m glad you like them. Happy anniversary! A: Thanks a lot, but you really shouldn’t have.

B: Well, I just wanted to show my appreciation for your kindness. Thanking for favors Sample phrases A: Thank you so much for lending me your bicycle.

B: Don’t mention it. Let me know if you need it again. A: Thanks for doing the washing-up. B: It was nothing.

I enjoyed helping you. Thanking for offers of help Sample phrases A: Can I take you to the airport? B: Thank you.

That would be great. A: Do you need help carrying these suitcases? B: Thanks, but I’ll manage OK by myself. Thanking for expressions of sympathy Sample phrases A: I’m sorry to hear your grandmother is ill. B: Thank you. I hope she’ll be all right. A: That’s too bad about your car.

I think the police will find some clues. Thanking for compliments and wishes of success Sample phrases A: You are such a good cook!

I learned a lot from my mother. A: Good luck with your exams! I’ll need it!

Narrative Text A narrative text is a text that entertains and instructs the readers. It entertains because it deals with the unusual and unexpected development of events. It instructs because it teaches readers that problems should be confronted, and attempts made to resolve them. Generic Structure: • Orientation: berisipengenalantokoh, tempatdanwaktuterjadinyacerita (siapaatauapa, kapandandimana) • Complication: Berisipuncakkonflik/masalahdalamcerita.

Sebuahceritabolehmemiliki complication lebihdarisatu. • Resolution: Pemecahanmasalah. Bisaberakhirdengankegembiraan (happy ending) bisa pula berakhirdengankesedihan (sad ending). Catatan: Terkadangjugasusunannya (generic structure): Orientation, Complication, Evaluation, Resolution dan Reorientation.

Untuk “Evaluation” dan “Reorientation” merupakan optional; bisaadabisatidak. Evaluation berisipenilaian/evaluasiterhadapjalannyaceritaataukonflik.SedangkanReorientation berisipenyimpulanisiakhircerita. Grammatical features menggunakan tenses “past” 3. Seringmenggunakan kata penghubungwaktu (temporal conjunction), misalnya: once upon a time, one day, long time ago, Narrative Text adalahteks yang isinyamerupakanceritaataukisahtentangsesuatu. Contoh narrative text: ceritarakyat (folktale), ceritabinatang (fable), Legenda (legend), ceritapendek (short story), dansejenisnya.

Di dalamnyaterdapatkonflik/puncakmasalah yang diikutidenganpenyelesaian.Fungsiutamateksiniadalahuntukberkisahataumenghiburpembaca. Example for Narrative text: The Story of Smart Monkey and Dull Crocodile One day there was a monkey. He wanted to cross a river. There he saw a crocodile so he asked the crocodile to take him across the other side of the river.